Hi guys, Happy Sunday. It has been a while 😪.  Hmm it’s because I spent the last six months preparing for my CFA exam. To be honest, I barely had time for anything else with my weekends spent studying. I missed you guys so much and I hope to revive occasional blogging whilst sharing the new experiences in my life creatively🤗. Let’s look back at this amazing piece I wrote last year, I have edited it to reflect a new reality and I know it’d bless your heart.

You always told people to forgive and forget with the attitude of a man re-painting the scene of an accident he did not witness.

They would tell you how angry they were about the words spoken to them and you would say:

“forgive, forget, move on, it’s not that deep”.

You also told them to shrug it off their backs like bread crumbs with no value, how dare they let these immaterial pieces stick to their dinner outfit?

That they should plug in an ear piece, and block out the noise from haters.

That people’s words do not define them and that it doesn’t matter. It should not.

You told them, that they are strong mountains that would not shake because a weak axe struck their side.

That they should turn the left cheek and smile like words don’t sting or bite.

Like it’s a piece of cake.

Like emotions do not crop up.


***   ***

Well, now it’s your turn.

You are here tonight,
Deep, soul-searching about why you feel this angry.

Replaying like a broken record the words she said.

Highlighting, deducing, telling yourself that you did not deserve such bitterness after all the good.

That this one act of this flawed person is enough to make you sit still and lose your voice.

That you are done opening yourself and making sacrifices that would always be insufficient water in a glass cup feeding multitudes,

That you should never have accepted the responsibility.

You sit, contemplating to never say a word, to never lift a finger, to be all shades of bad, wicked, silent, and then you hear it.

You hear beneath your chest and though you try to silence it, it’s now too loud in your subconscious to ignore.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

Annoyingly, your cry for justice seems to dissipate as you replay a scene from the cross.

Vivid; whips, lashes, hooks, blood and- familiar faces hiding behind closed doors cutting any ties to him.

Vivid; man kissing cheek.

Vivid; man sitting beside him with the 11.

Vivid; man giving him up for worthless coins he would never spend.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.

You were angry, but now you pick up your phone and call that enemy of yours.

For you now understand that they know not what they do

Ps: How easy was it for Jesus to look his enemies in the face and say, “Father forgive them”?

How did he feel toward Peter knowing that this guy could not even stand by me, could not defend me.

“I thought we had a thing, I thought we were brothers and friends”

To be honest, this is something I’ve had to deal with in recent times. I found myself saying that I didn’t like a person cause I feel like they had been mean and condescending to me and I was actually angry about their actions to me and in that moment I walked up to Jesus (like Peter in Matthew 18: 21) and said with anger welling up in my belly

Me: how many times must I forgive ****, seven times right? (cause I’m pretty sure they’ve done this seven times and right now I’m done feeling this way because of anyone)

Jesus: No, Seventy times seven times

Me: Errm…ahan, isn’t that too much, how will I even be counting to that point? this is not fair, I grumbled

Me:  remembers “…and forgive us our trespasses even as we forgive those who trespass against us…”

Me: Rolls eyes and slowly breathes out bad energy.

Me: whispers to myself that from now on, I choose to look at **** with the eyes of love regardless of what they do to me, so help me God.

I want to hear your thoughts in the comment boxes below.

Have a lovely week 🙂

Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

24 thoughts to “4GIVEN.”

  1. This is an amazing insight. Forgiveness is easier said than done. I was discussing with a friend recently and we touched on forgiveness and I couldn’t help but say that “forgiveness is one of the most painful acts of love”. May God keep helping us.

    1. Yes Alex, you are right on point. It’s always easy to tell others to do, without really understanding. Now, without understanding, we would be like a man telling about an accident he didn’t witness. No ties, no link, just empty words.

  2. He knew that Judas was gonna disappoint Him but He still trusted him and gave him an opportunity. That was because it’s in His nature to love and believe in people.

    This understanding makes forgiveness easier.
    Always expect the disappointments because it is what authenticates the genuiness of love.

    So I don’t trust because I know I’m not gonna get disappointed. I trust knowing that there is a possibility of the disappointment.

    Thanks Victory for such a great piece.

  3. This is a lovely piece, confusing at first but extremely true. Forgiving isn’t easy, especially forgiving those who won’t admit they’re wrong. It takes love for forgive. People say “forgive and forget.” I believe in forgive and keep forgiving.

    1. Thank you Gabriel. Your comment is very welcome.
      You might have thought it confusing at first because of the literary devices used in communicating, but I’m glad you got the message.

  4. this piece is so true, it’s most times its easy to give advice when you have not experienced it yourself. Thank you for this victory, indeed a good for tought.

  5. This is a great one.and very true too,its easy to tell others to forgive,easier said than done. Thank you for blessing us Veekythinks.

  6. This is a great food for thought. Its us being a light that shines in the darkness and not giving out the candle stick n yet we are thick darkness. This piece speaks volume n it has healed.God bless u Vicky.

  7. My God,

    this piece reminds us of the people we are and should be.

    The ones he performed miracles for and healed their brothers and sisters were the same folk shouting crucify him and yet he could see past all that and still pray for them. what a wonderful Jesus.

    We don’t kill, hate or wish evil on our enemies. we pray for them, pick up the phone and reach out to them.

    Thank you so much MA.
    This blessed me.

  8. Each time I have a grudge against someone or I don’t forgive someone I feel burdened and the moment I forgive I feel alive. True forgiveness is a big issue to deal with yet rewarding.

    And like you said (not literally) it is easily advised than done. This great piece made me reflect
    over my life, and I am asking myself have you forgiven those who wronged you?

    Thank you Victory for sharing.

      1. This piece speaks volumes. Forgiveness is an act of love. When you forgive those that have hurt you badly, It brings down God’s vengeance upon your enemies. Forgetting does not mean, you should not remember again, but it means that whenever you remember the offence, you refuse to be bitter or angry over it. You act as though nothing of such ever happened. That is, anger and vengeance is taken away from such thoughts. Vicky dear, GOD bless and increase you, in JESUS NAME. AMEN!

  9. I choose to look at ****** with the eyes of love regardless of what they do to me, so help me God.

    This touched me ma

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