Rotimi stared at her lips. He silently thanked God that his spittle had not gone any further by a mini-inch. It would have entered her mouth. Her stoic expression made it impossible to determine if she had noticed. Why on earth wouldn’t she? If she had, and was pretending not to have, she was doing […]
Tag: love

Gele’s are evil #Shortstories
Gelês are evil. They should be banned from our sociéty. Period. Now, don’t just jump and start saying things in your mind like “what kind of nonsense conclusion is that? How can geles be evil? Etc ” . At least wait to hear my side of the story. It all began with the “hot” slap […]

How dare you love me silently? #Poetry
Maybe it never crossed your mind Because I don’t look like I’m about the loud life So you guessed that low key is just okay You know low key …hi, I miss you, I love you. Low key. But I’m just saying “how dare you love me silently!” Seriously, how dare you. You were right […]