Victory’s note: Hello! Today’s post is from our #BeingReal segment. Where real people share real stories about stumbling, scars, finding grace and a new name. This is Pastor Stella Eyuruntela- Ashe’s story. Be blessed! “When people see me, I think one of the things they imagine is a perfect woman without flaws or faults. You […]
Tag: self esteem

Veekhy’s note: Hello there. This is a spoken word poem which I intend to make a video of, but then…I couldn’t wait. Lol! Be blessed! And yes, video would follow shortly. Leah. There was nothing to prepare me for what would greet my eyes as I glanced at the content of the paper she placed […]

The day you will laugh
Your cheeks shook violently when he said, “I love you”. It was the kind of shaking that people now call ‘blushing’, the kind of embarrassment that made you unable to look him in the face to say anything more because you sincerely wished the ground would open up to keep you safe until the moment […]
No longer scared and manipulative
Veekhy’s note: Here is another episode of #BeingReal where real people share real stories. Be blessed! I am the fourth son in a family of five sons and I didn’t have a relationship with my extended family. My point is this, for the formative years of my life, I was majorly in the midst of […]