
When I was way younger, I used to write stories like: “the old woman and the boy”. These stories were very predictable. E.g. “There were two boys, one good, one bad. The bad boy did not help the old woman carry her load whilst the good boy obviously helped the woman. The old woman blessed the good boy and in the future he became rich and powerful. The bad boy, well, he became poor”.

These were my stories and gosh I would give everybody to read it with a smile on my face.

At some point, I tried writing poems and chai… let’s not even talk about the forced rhymes and the “I am trying to be deep”ness that harassed the minds of my readers. I can’t believe they pretended like it was so awesome. There is God.

Thanks so much to you reading this, Blessing my first point editor and the Holy spirit the greatest teacher. You have all been sources of encouragement by just viewing and sometimes commenting. Thanks.

I decided to start this blog last year to let people into my mind and personality. To make people see the things they would otherwise not notice and find God’s word in out of the box ways. I wanted to tell the stories I saw in the “good morning of the gate man” and “take your change” of the conductor. I wanted to show how beautiful life could be if we stopped rushing through with wrinkled foreheads and actually live, smile and have a good laugh. I don’t know how far I have gotten with that but at least I have started…have you?

When would you record those  songs, write that book and start that business? Are you really waiting for a thunderous voice from the sky to echo “start!”, before you eventually launch out. Oh, I know. You are waiting to perfect your skill because you don’t want to make a fool of yourself. You want to feel ready. Sorry to burst your bubble… you would never feel ready.
Do you know that Jesus did not feel ready before performing his first miracle? He actually hesitated. This is someone that had been training already o ( John 2:4 water to wine). Mama Jesus literally had to put Him on the spot. She walked away after telling his disciples to do what he tells them. This woman! She knew what he was capable of and gave him that push to start.

I want to believe that this blog post would be your own push because you would never feel ready. Just do it afraid already.

There were days when “I don’t want to seem needy by sharing on whats app groups or more than once through my social media account” had the better part of me but thank God for pointing out how selfish that thought was.

See, your gifting is not really yours to enjoy. Fulfill your purpose on earth and don’t leave any single gift within you unexplored. It doesn’t really matter the size of your audience, even if it is just your family members, impact their lives with your gifts. Die empty.

That being said, in this New Year, I would be more consistent –Lookout for my post once in every two weeks; Sundays by 3:00pm. With time, I would increase the tempo.

I hope this blog has been a blessing to you. Thanks for sticking through one more time and please leave your suggestions. I want to know what you think.

Victory Osarumwense

Popularly called Victory Osas is a Financial Analyst by day and a creative storyteller with every breath she takes. She is the kind of person who would take the window sit in a car just to look at the people walking by. She says that people are walking stories and often finds a way to wrap ordinary moments that people would overlook to her works.

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